Re: virus

Joshua Hosseinoff (
Sun, 23 Apr 1995 18:19:00 -0400 (EDT)

I can't believe anyone still falls for this old canard, probably the same 
people who write the FCC about the modem tax :)  FYU Erich, Good Times 
was a hoax, there never was and never will be such a creature.  

On Thu, 20 Apr 1995, Erich W. Gunther wrote:

> I received an e-mail from a collegue regarding a new virus propogated
> by e-mail called the "Good Times" virus.  The e-mail was not very specific
> as to the how the virus does its damage or what security holes it exploits
> to do its thing.  Has anybody else heard of it and have any additional
> information?  Here is a excerpt from the e-mail I received:
> > Luckily, there is one sure means of detecting what is now known as the "good
> > times" virus.  It always travels to new computers the same way in a text e-
> > mail message with the subject line reading simply "Good Times."
> >
> > Avoiding infection is easy once the file has been recieved--not reading it.
> > The act of loading the file into the mail servers's ASCII buffer causes the
> > "Good Times" mainline program to initialize and execute.  The program is
> > highly intelligent-it will send copies of itself to everyone whose e-mail
> > address is contained in a received-mail file or sent-mail file.  If it can
> > find one.  It will then proceed to trash the computer it is running on.
> Erich W. Gunther
> Director of Technology Development
> Electrotek Concepts, Inc.